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ORIGINAL Jazz Tunes Composed by Cy Green & Jimmy Miller
If you like the GREAT Artists from the past, you may be interested in our music.
Our songs are Diverse - Nice variety!
SONG DEMOS to your Left - Click to hear.
All tunes available for LIVE performance also.
"SLAP ME DOWN" by cy green
Key B
This is a funky little thing you can have some FUN with.
After 8 Bar INTRO
E7/ A7/ Em7/ F#7 G#7
BMaj/ Bb7/ A7/ Bm7
E7/ A7/ Em7/ Asus A9
Dmaj G#m7/ Em7 A7/ B7/ C#m7 B7
Em7/ Bm7/ Em7/ F#m7
A7/ B7/ Ebm7 F#m7/ Bm7
E7/ A7/ Em7/ A7
Dmaj Bm7/ Em7/ A7/ B7
@ 1:17 (To SOLOS)

These are not MIDI samples played by a real person. They are done with FINALE Notepad.
We also welcome High school and College BAND LEADERS
to try this one!
Off the top of my head ... Advise to a Songwriter.
This is from TAXI MUSIC!!

Gear your songs to the style of - they drop names and song titles. Love the line "Listen to the radio."
Yeah, and hear the same tunes over and over. THIS is the problem with music and why everything is re-hash, and really good stuff gets overlooked. It's been going on since DJ's took payola and force fed our youth a ton of garbage.
Contact: jazzlist7@yahoo.com if interested in this tune.
Cy Green Quote: "Don't know much about todays' music scene, and don't want to."

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